
Local Nonprofit TLOLB Raises $45,000 at Derby-Style Soirée for Suicide Support

By: Monette Smith
| Published 05/09/2024


HOUSTON, TX -- The Loved Ones Left Behind (TLOLB), a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering families to recover from the devastating aftermath of suicide, hosted a Derby-style soirée at the Houston Oaks Club on May 4, 2024. The event raised an impressive $45,000 to support the organization's mission of providing financial and emotional support to those affected by suicide loss.

The Derby-style soirée brought together supporters and donors for an evening of fun outfits, entertainment, and philanthropy. Attendees enjoyed live music performed by Payton Riley, a talented singer and songwriter known for his appearances on American Idol. Riley's captivating performance added an extra layer of magic to the event, enhancing the atmosphere and inspiring generosity among guests.

Mandi Brown, founder of The Loved Ones Left Behind, expressed her gratitude for the overwhelming support received at the event. 'We are incredibly grateful for the outpouring of generosity from our community,' said Brown. 'With the funds raised, we will be able to continue our vital work of providing assistance and support to families navigating the aftermath of suicide loss.'

The mission of The Loved Ones Left Behind (TLOLB) is to help empower families to recover from suicide through both financial and emotional support. TLOLB is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to assisting those left behind by suicide by offering resources, guidance, and a supportive community to navigate the challenges of grief and loss.

'We are dedicated to making a meaningful difference in the lives of families affected by suicide,' said Brown. 'Through our programs and initiatives, we aim to provide hope, healing, and support to those in need.'

TLOLB invites individuals who are passionate about their mission to get involved and make a difference. Whether through monetary donations, volunteering time, or spreading awareness, every contribution helps further their cause and support families in crisis.

For more information about The Loved Ones Left Behind and how to get involved, visit

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