
Importance Of Community

By: Cunae International School | Published 09/20/2023


Whether it is public or private school, finding a suitable environment that fits with your shared set of values and educational philosophy ideals can make all the difference in your child’s educational journey. And whilst the academic program is often the main driver of choosing a desired school, today, more than ever, a sense of community should also be at the top of your list.

The benefits for children being part of a strong, healthy, and compatible community include:

  • A sense of belonging which aids in their social-emotional growth.

  • Greater willingness to engage in group work that will challenge and better develop their communication and self-management skills, as well as developing better understanding, tolerance, and empathy for others.

  • Greater sense of feeling safe and secure due to the support of their peers and teachers. This can create an openness for a child to take risks and develop courage, enhancing their confidence, resilience, and growth, psychologically, socially, and academically.

  • The development of deeper bonds and enhanced communication between parents and teachers, which has a positive affect all round for children, and the culture as a whole.

In a world that can seem chaotic, children can feel anxious, depressed, or even isolated, belonging to a positive, supportive and healthy community that fosters strong relationships between all constituents is paramount to their well-being. 

Maybe you’re looking for a school that has a strong sense of religious affiliation, or a school that has that shared sports comradery, or simply a school that promotes the value of teaching children to be good humans; whatever you identify as an important community value, make sure you add it to your list of questions when seeking out the right school for both your child and family. Ask questions about the school culture; ask how children work together; ask what is the driving force or philosophy that is the basis of their community. There are good schools everywhere, find what resonates with you. I promise you it will make all the difference! 


Mrs. Anji Price


Cunae International School 


Phone: 281.516.3770


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