
Tibetan Buddhist Thangka painting of Buddha surrounded by retinue (over 50 yrs)

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Price: $300.00

Hand painted antique Tibetan Thangka painting of Buddha in Himalayan mineral pigment paints. Original artwork on handmade thick parchment paper. (more than 50 years old)

This thangka depicts Vairocana in the center surrounded by the other Dhyani Buddhas. The Dhyani Buddhas, also known as the Five Tathagatas are emanations or representations of the Adi-Buddha, each representing different aspects of Buddhahood. Each is associated with a different color, direction, and cosmic element.

In the center, Vairocana, white in color, represents space and the wisdom of shunyata or emptiness. In the north, Amoghasiddhi is green, represents air and the wisdom of perfect practice. In the west, Amitabha is red, represents fire and the wisdom of observation. In the south, Ratnasambhava is gold or yellow, represents earth and the wisdom of equanimity. In the east, Aksobhya is blue, represents water and the wisdom of reflection.

Overall Dimensions:
18.5 inches wide (47 cm)
25.5 inches tall (64.8 cm)

Dimensions without Border:
17.5 inches wide (44.5 cm)
24 inches tall (61 cm)

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