
Black Friday Shopping Tips

By: WOL's Super Shopper
| Published 11/24/2009


THE WOODLANDS, Texas -- Black Friday is the biggest shopping day of the year. Doorbuster deals, extended hours, one-day specials and sales will be plentiful and parking lots will be filled. With so many shoppers and good deals abound, it's easy to become enthralled in the chaos and end up missing out on the hot items on your shopping list. Here are a few tips to help make your Black Friday a successful one.

1) Make a List - Be sure to make a list of what you want to buy. If you stick to your list, you shopping budget is more likely to stay in check and you will know what items you have purchased and for whom.

2) Organize Coupons - Some retailers require a coupon for a special discount or savings on Black Friday. The night before, be sure that you have the necessary coupons for any items on your list that require it. Also, keep all your coupons in one convenient and safe place.

3) Fuel, Food and Hydration - These may be some of the most overlooked aspects of preparing for the big shopping day. The day or night before, remember to check that you have adequate gas in your vehicle to make it to all the places you will be shopping and back home. It's also important to keep your body properly fueled. Eat a hearty breakfast and bring snacks and water with you on Black Friday to keep your body going and your spirits up. A cranky, tired or hungry shopper is not going to be on top of their game. Stopping for food and drinks takes up valuable time shopping on a day when every minute counts.

3) Research and Plan Your Route - Do a little research on the places you will be shopping. Find out what time they will be open and what time their doorbuster deals end. This will be paramount in planning your shopping day. Determine what stores you need to get to first and the most efficient route to get to all the stores. Be sure to check to see if any of the items on your list can be purchased online, which could cut out a stop from your busy shopping trip. Having a plan will help to focus your excitement and energy by knowing where you need to be and when.

4) Go to Bed Early and Set an Alarm - You will getting up early on Black Friday if you want to catch doorbuster deals, so be sure you get enough sleep by going to bed early. DON'T FORGET TO SET AN ALARM! The worst thing you could do is start your day off by waking up late. A late start could mean missing out on the popular items on your list. You may even want to set a second or third alarm just in case, after all that Turkey on Thanksgiving you may be more sleepy than you think.

5) Take a Shopping Buddy - Having an extra set of eyes and hands never hurts when searching for deals early in the morning. A second or third person can also be helpful when it comes to lines at the register. While someone is holding your spot, you can get all the items for you and your shopping buddy while cutting your wait time in line. This is especially important if you plant to visit several locations. Remember, every minute counts.

6) Stay Positive - Remember to stay positive and keep in mind that other shoppers may not be as prepared as you are. A lack of sleep and food mixed with the shopping craze of Black Friday could cause other shoppers to be rude, crass and angry. Keep a cool head and give those shoppers some space. You can be glad that your shopping day will be much better than theirs. If you find yourself getting upset, take a few deep breaths and reach for one of your snacks or a drink. A minute to calm down will save you valuable shopping time and spare you frustration in the end.

Good shopping to all and to all a good deal!

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