
WOODLANDS WEATHER THIS WEEK – April 10 - 14, 2023 – The weather this week has cloudy thoughts

By: Woodlands Online Weather
| Published 04/10/2023


THE WOODLANDS, TX – If you were hoping for decidedly springlike, sunny weather, you might have to wait a while longer. It seems like winter is wanting to keep its cool, clammy touches in the weather patterns for as long as it can.

The rains will hold off… for now

Easter Monday – a workday for most but a day off for the local school districts – is going to remain overcast for most of the day. Later this afternoon we’ll get minor flashes of sun peeking through, but the high humidity will make the high temp of 71 feel a little danker than it would otherwise be. The steady dew point and mild winds will keep things moderate, however, as we slip into an overnight low of 55.

Tuesday will see the hustle and bustle of a typical school- and workday. We’ll maintain significant and steady cloud coverage until noon or so, and then bit by bit the skies will clear up, even as small chances of rain persist. Once again we’ll see a high in the mid 70s and a low in the mid 50s.

On Wednesday, the chances of rain will uptick throughout the morning and mid-afternoon; by evening time, our chances for the wet stuff will be back down around zero, and our high and low temps will only be a couple of degrees warmer as the day before.

The sun will shine on Thursday as the clouds give us a break and we can enjoy some seasonal weather. A decrease in the front and a day pf practically no winds will help to raise the high temperature to near 80. Right around the time of our afternoon high, the humidity will hit its lowest point.

Friday will be the warmest yet, with the high temperature hitting well into the 80s. An increase in cloud coverage won’t help matters much as the heat is trapped under the blanket, and we’ll have a slight chance of rain. Overnight, the low will get into the upper 60s, but increasing winds will help move the cool around.

It looks like Saturday may bring a turn in fortunes… and a lot of storms with it…

Stay tuned on Friday as we bring you Woodlands Weekend Weather.

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