
WOODLANDS WEATHER THIS WEEK – April 17 - 21, 2023 – It’ll be a ‘windows open’ kind of week

By: Woodlands Online Weather
| Published 04/17/2023


THE WOODLANDS, TX – The Monday weather so far is near-perfect; our humidity has dropped down to near nothing, and the clouds have gone away with it. It’s breezy but not too gusty, and the high of only 77 is right around the corner. Early this evening, however, we’ll see a return of the clouds and an increase of the dew point. The temps will stay in the 70s for a while, but around 8 this evening they’ll head back into the 60s, finally settling for an overnight low of 57.

Relatively cool and mild to start off, but beware the weekend

Tuesday will dawn after a few hours of cloud-gathering, giving us a morning of grey and an afternoon of sun. The high will be a tad warmer but still in the 70s, and we’ll be flirting with some rain chances throughout the day as the humidity factor steadily rises. Fortunately, once the sun goes down, the air will keep cool and we’ll enjoy a low in the mid 60s.

We’ll get more of the same on Wednesday, but slightly warmer. We’ll break into the low 80s for a high (and, for the first time this year, the heat index will make it feel warmer than it is), and most of the day will see a 20 percent or so chance of rain. Winds from the southeast will come and go with reckless abandon. All day and all night will languish under partly cloudy skies as we hit our overnight low in the upper 60s.

Thursday and Friday will see a shift in the winds, literally and figuratively. As Thursday dawns, the clouds will surge into the area, and as we make our way back into the low 80s, we can expect some afternoon thunderstorms. Rains will hit their peak in the mid afternoon, but all evening long, overnight, and into Friday, you can expect some more wet stuff.

Friday will end out the week windy and wet with scattered thunderstorms. Any evening plans you have may want to be changed to something indoors, as right now it looks doubtful it’ll dry up.

As the weekend approaches, you just might need to keep your umbrellas handy for a little bit longer…

Stay tuned on Friday as we bring you Woodlands Weekend Weather.

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