
What is Iridology?

By: Woodlands Health Market | Published 06/24/2024

What does your eye say about you?

Iridology is an alternative health science based on close examination of the iris of each eye. The fibers, or lacuna of the irides reveal the tissue integrity of all major body organs and system. "Darland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary" defines Iridology as: the study of the iris, particularly of its color, markets, changes, etc., as associated with disease. There are also several Biblical references to Iridology, the most familiar found in the book of Matthew, Chapter 6, Verse 22: "The light of the body is the eye; if your eye is pure, your whole body shall be full of light."

What is an Iridologist?
An Iridologist is an Alternative Health Care Practitioner. Although many people interested in natural health have heard of Iridology, there are many more who have not!
Certified Iridologists employ a holistic approach of dealing with whole person, physically, mentally and spiritually. Just as no two people have the same fingerprints, no two people have the same irides. Iridology is unique to each individual, as we all have specific strengths and weaknesses according to our DNA.

What does Iridology reveal?
During an Iridology analysis, photographs are taken of each eye using a digital iris camera. The irides are analyzed under further magnification, revealing inherited conditions within the body, as well as changes that have occurred during the persons lifetime. Each analysis includes a detailed report and discussion of conditions within the body, along with specific nutritional, herbal, and vitamin or mineral recommendations.

Come on into the Woodlands Health Market or call 281-367-0002 to schedule an appointment with Cheryl!

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