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Related News and Events
Business After Hours

BUSINESS AFTER HOURS - SPONSORED BY WORKLODGE Business After Hours is a complimentary social providing you with opportunities to meet, mingle & build relationships with other area business profes...

Howard Hughes hosts annual Media Appreciation Luncheon at rise soufflé

Howard Hughes Holdings, Inc. hosted its annual Media Appreciation Luncheon recently at rise soufflé - The Woodlands (our editor wants to assure you that the name of the restaurant isn't capitalized) in ...

One Church: Houston

You're invited to a one-day event for pastors, church staff, nonprofit professionals, and Christian business leaders. Join us on April 30th for lunch and relationship building, and leave equipped wi...

The Woodlands Area EDP celebrates 5 years of Rice Business Executive Education in The Woodlands

It’s been five years since Rice’s Jones Graduate School of Business, one of the country’s top-ranked business schools, launched their open enrollment off-campus