
Community Sports: Deadlines Approach for Woody Pines Sports' August Leagues

By: Woodlands Online Sports | Published 08/12/2024


THE WOODLANDS, TX -- With Summer winding down and kids returning to school, Woody Pines Sports is looking to make the most of its remaining August sports leagues.

For those looking to get some more outdoor activity before the Fall season hits, the Sand Volleyball 4v4 League would be a great opportunity to engage with members of the community or to get a few friends involved. The co-ed league will be held on Friday evenings and nights starting this Friday the 16th at Woodlands Skyline. So if you or some friends are looking for a chance to connect with like-minded athletes or just looking to get in some activity this month, sign up on Woody Pines' website before Thursday the 15th.

If outdoor or sand volleyball isn't for you, why not give the Indoor 6v6 Volleyball league a shot? The competition is expected to be more intense, but the great sense of inclusion, community, and sportsmanship will be at the absolute forefront. The games are set to take place at the Church Project on Thursday evenings, with plenty of opportunities to go out after your games are finished. The deadline for teams and individuals is on Friday the 16th so get yourself or your teams in while you can.

For those not interested in volleyball, the Sunday 5v5 Basketball League may be your sport. Teams will meet at the Church Complex for their games that can start from 2-7 P.M. on Sunday afternoons. The waitlist for teams and individual players looking for a squad are still open, so get your name in for this full-court competitive experience on Woody Pines' website where more information can also be found.

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