
Our Water Stands Strong: How The Woodlands Weathered Hurricane Beryl

By: Woodlands Water | Published 08/19/2024


?During Hurricane Beryl, you may have noticed that there were no water issues here in The Woodlands. That’s right—despite the storm's chaos, our water supply remained safe and uninterrupted. While some neighboring communities faced boil water notices due to failed pumps or broken water lines, we made it through without a hitch.


This isn’t just luck. Our water system has successfully weathered the last four hurricanes, thanks to ongoing investments in infrastructure. Regular maintenance, rehabilitation, and renewal keep our system strong, even in the most challenging conditions.


A special shoutout to our amazing field technicians and office staff who went above and beyond during the storm. Despite personal challenges and a regional power outage, they worked tirelessly to help customers deal with broken service lines, leaks, and damage caused by uprooted trees and debris. Thank you for your dedication and hard work!


Lawn Irrigation Recommendation

?for the week of August 19


Water 2 nights this week


Geesh, feast and famine. Intense rain through July, and now dry as a bone. Most areas of The Woodlands haven’t seen substantial rain in three weeks, and this week’s forecast doesn’t offer much relief. Unless a thunderstorm surprises us, water both nights allowed under the Defined Irrigation Schedule - half an inch each night. Not sure how long to run your system to deliver a half inch? Look below.


?Automatic Sprinkler Run Times

(to deliver 1/2 inch)

*The weekly recommendation assumes you're applying 1/2″ of water each night you irrigate. Not sure how much your system has to run to deliver 1/2"? Set out a rain gauge or use the can-and-ruler method. In the meantime, follow these general guidelines.




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