
Entergy Texas

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Articles Posted for the Month of July 2024
Displaying: 4 articles
Posted Thu, Jul 11, 2024
Trees add beauty to any landscape, but they have some impressive practical benefits as well. They clean the air, reduce carbon dioxide and (when positioned correctly) provide protection from wind and sun, reducing heating and cooling costs.
Posted Wed, Jul 10, 2024
On July 10, we honor our crews who are committed to powering our communities safely for National Lineworker Appreciation Day. This recognition carries additional meaning this week, as our frontline workers continue to respond around the clock du...
Posted Mon, Jul 08, 2024
Before, during and after a power outage We do all we can to keep your power flowing. When an extended outage does occur, it’s important to know how to keep your food safe – both to avoid food loss and reduce the risk of illness.
Posted Sat, Jul 06, 2024
Severe weather is impacting our region with increased strength and frequency. And we are adapting, grid resilience is not only the strength of the system,