
New Danville asks community to invest in independence by supporting its Summer Giving Campaign

By: Woodlands Online Staff
| Published 07/23/2024


THE WOODLANDS, TX – New Danville, a nonprofit organization that focuses on expanding opportunities for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, has announced that it has launched its Summergibing Campaign to replenish its scholarship fund, ensuring vital programs continue for residents and day program participants.

Eighty percent of New Danville programs and operations are funded by community support. As little as $50 can cover the cost of one day; a $150 donation supports one week of program participation, and $650 funds one month of average attendance for a New Danville Wrangler.

“The need for your support is critical,” said Mike Painter, CEO of New Danville. “Your gift ensures we can continue providing essential services without interruption.”

Currently, there are 7 million people in the United States who have an intellectual or developmental disability. 500,000 live in Texas, and 17,000 reside in Montgomery County, with nearly 70,000 family members being affected. Tragically, Texas ranks 49th out of 50 in states that support individuals with intellectual disabilities, something that New Danville is desperately trying to fix.

New Danville agerages 125 ‘Wranglers’ in its day program, which is currently experiencing its first waiting list ever. Its programs include woodworking classes, animal therapy, art classes, Fun at the Park, the men’s beach trip, music therapy, the Galveston girls’ trip, community engagement, and fitness activities.

To show your support, or to learn more, visit

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