
Scouts Help Montgomery Historical Society, Female Scout Receives Eagle Award

By: Ruben Borjas, Jr., Columnist, Montgomery County News
| Published 01/07/2025

Eagle Scout Maddison Bowman, standing between Troop Leaders Mat Wilson, left, and Tanya Peacock, right, at the Court of Honor in which she was presented her Eagle Scout Badge.

MONTGOMERY, TX -- With the holidays wrapping up for the season, the decorations at the Nathaniel Hart Davis Pioneer Complex & Museum in Historic Montgomery needed to be put back into storage for another year. So, who are you gonna call? Well, Scoutmaster Mat Wilson, from Troop 351 in Montgomery, who had a crew of scouts at the ready for just such an event. Wilson’s scouts have a drive to keep busy, helping the community, and have developed a good relationship with the historical society, for when Eagle Scout projects are needed, or for the need of service hours. This is the second year that the scouts have worked with the Montgomery Historical Society saving members from sore muscles.

In what took the older folk of the MHS eight hours to complete several years ago, Scoutmaster Wilson and his Scouts finished in just over one hour after Thanksgiving. This past Saturday, when taking down the decorations, the Scouts have cut the completion time by thirty minutes, including the neat packaging, and storage for the next holiday season.

“The Scouts continue to amaze us here at the historical society,” said MHS President Billy Ray Duncan. “Without them, it would be very difficult to decorate the museum each Christmas season. Their service is very much appreciated.”

2025 marks another year for The Scouts from Montgomery area Troops to impress the community with their service and Eagle Scout Projects. The historical society was grateful to have several things fixed at their campus with Eagle Scout Jude Wilson last year. His project involved repairing and painting fence pickets and the porch, as well as some landscaping projects including adding a rain barrel to prevent soil erosion.

Montgomery Scout Madison Bowman from Troop 907, led scouts and Montgomery High School ROTC volunteers in building the climbing wall for the MHS ROTC back in November. Her Court of Honor for the presentation of her award was held this past Sunday in Montgomery. Madison is the first girl from Troop 907 to have earned the Eagle Scout Badge.

The Montgomery Historical Society is always looking for scouts in need of Eagle Scout projects. Currently there is a woodworking project in need of a scout to replace wooden signs that the MHS places in front of buildings in their annual Tour of Homes in December. The historical society will also be looking to repaint buildings on the campus. If any scout is interested, please coordinate with Scoutmaster Wilson to notify the historical society.

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