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HS Softball: Seven-Inning Shutout Extends Conroe’s Win Streak to Three

CONROE, TX -- The Conroe Tigers (13-5, 4-1) blanked the visiting Willis Ladykats (13-4, 3-3) by a score of 3-0 in a seven-inning shutout thrown by Eva Lantagne.
Ice-cold determination on the mound pushed Lantagne to perform at one of her highest ticks of the season, throwing an immaculate game where she tossed over 80 pitches under a blazing hot sun.
The effort from Lantagne, while backed up by the composed fielders surrounding her, was enough to keep the Ladykats from gaining any traction throughout the game.
Just two hits on 22 at-bats by Willis was dismal compared to the sheer number they would have needed to keep pace with the powerful Tiger batters.
Despite a capacity to bring in multiple runs from stellar hitting, Conroe’s bats were relatively silent.
24 at-bats gave ample opportunity to establish solid run support, but an unexpected slump saw eight hits throughout the game.
Luckily for Conroe, the opportunities they afforded themselves by timely hitting were cashed in for runs that kept the team ahead following the third inning.
A strong leadoff presence from McKenna Griffin saw her score two of Conroe’s runs while providing an early spark in the lineup.
These runs were much-needed, and an additional boost by a sixth inning run from Skylar Green was enough to secure a 3-0 Tiger win.