
Videos Tagged: WOMEN TO THE WISE

Displaying : 1 - 20 of 35
January 06, 2024
The Carline Report, formerly Women to the Wise, rejuvenates itself with a new name but same feel in the new year. Stephanie and Felisha finish up this 3 part series on a high note. Join in and share!
The Carline Report - 014 - New Years Resolutions Part 3
March 01, 2024
Felisha hangs out with guest and friend Monica Verville to discuss how having multiple kids and kids at different stages of life can change how you parent.
The Carline Report - 015 - Multiple Kids
February 09, 2024
Felisha brings on her friend Lindsay to talk about being a different stages of life in parenting.
The Carline Report - 016 - A Different Stage of Life
February 17, 2024
Melissa Hammons, of, not only wants you to be and feel better but she wants to give people to tools to do it themselves. Meet Melissa with Felisha on this episode of The Carline Report.
The Carline Report - 017 - Teach Them To Fish
February 24, 2024
THE WOODLANDS TX -- On this episode Felisha and guest host Monica will go over many topics pertaining to teen mental health including; Nurturing Well-being in Adolescence, Understanding Teen Mental Health, Strategies for Supporting Teenagers...
The Carline Report - 018 - Teen Mental Health
March 01, 2024
Balancing Motherhood and Business: The Impact of Social Media. Felisha and Guest Railey delve into the complexities of juggling motherhood and entrepreneurship.
The Carline Report - 019 - Balancing Motherhood and Business
March 15, 2024
Felicia and Raylee explore the importance of team building in motherhood, discussing the challenges and adjustments new mothers face. They delve into the husband's role in this team, the impact of motherhood on friendships.
The Carline Report - 020 - The Power of Team Building in Motherhood
March 23, 2024
Felicia Hennessy and Railey Carol delve into the complexities of family vacations, discussing the financial burden, meticulous planning, and the struggle of traveling with young kids. They share personal anecdotes, including the hurdles of cruises...
The Carline Report - 021 - Navigating the Chaos: The Realities of Family Vacations
March 29, 2024
Felicia Hennessy and Monica delve into the world of busy moms, offering tips on meal prep, workouts, and managing a hectic lifestyle. They share personal experiences with sleep regression and its challenges. The importance of self-care and workouts..
The Carline Report - 022 - Healthy Lifestyle Tips and Self-Care for Busy Moms
April 13, 2024
Felicia Hennessy and Raylee Carroll delve into a range of topics, from the trials of parenting to starting a business and managing mom guilt. They share their favorite family activities, food preferences and more
The Carline Report - 023 - Navigating Parenting and Life Transitions: Questions in a Jar
April 19, 2024
Felicia Hennessy and her friend Railey Carroll, delve into the concept of growth mindset, its relevance to business and motherhood, and the importance of collaboration. They explore the role of mothers as entrepreneurs, the value of mentors...
The Carline Report - 024 - Growth Mindset and Collaboration: A Conversation on Business, Motherhood, and Personal Development
May 03, 2024
Felisha and Lindsay share their journey of managing their businesses while being married. They discuss the challenges they face, such as setting boundaries and finding personal time.
The Carline Report - 025 - Navigating Business and Marriage: A Conversation with Felisha and Lindsay
May 30, 2024
Felicia and Rayleigh delve into the complexities of friendship breakups, especially during the postpartum period. They discuss the gradual dissolution and misunderstanding that often accompany these breakups, leading to awkward interactions.
The Carline Report - 026 - Navigating Friendship Breakups
June 06, 2024
Felicia and Lindsay navigate the challenges of running businesses from home while also managing their children, particularly during the summer. They explore the need for assistance, teaching kids to create their own entertainment.
The Carline Report - 027 - Balancing Work and Parenting During the Summer
June 20, 2024
Felicia Hennessy and Victoria Perkins delve into the complexities of parenting in the digital age. They discuss the challenges of raising 12-year-old daughters amidst the influence of social media and the changing times.
The Carline Report - 029 - Parenting in the Digital Age: A Discussion on Challenges and Solutions
June 30, 2024
Felicia and Railey delve into the realities of owning a franchise and running a business, discussing the personal investment, commitment, and balance required. They highlight the difficulties of working irregular hours and unplugging during vacation
The Carline Report - 030 - Navigating the Challenges and Rewards of Entrepreneurship
July 13, 2024
The focus is on the hopes and dreams for children, from pregnancy to parenting. The importance of teaching children to be independent of societal pressures is highlighted. The conversation underscores the need to raise kind, empathetic children...
The Carline Report - 031 - Raising Compassionate Children: A Discussion on Parenting Approaches
July 22, 2024
Felicia and Railey delve into the intricacies of promoting businesses, particularly for those with small budgets. They underscore the role of trust in relationship-building, especially in the fitness and insurance sectors.
The Carline Report - 032 - Promoting Businesses: The Power of Networking and Trust
July 27, 2024
Felicia and Railey share their experiences of a recent hurricane, highlighting the challenges they faced like power outages and internet unavailability. Amidst the difficulties, they found joy in playing games with their kids.
The Carline Report - 033 - Surviving a Hurricane: Personal Experiences and Practical Advice
August 02, 2024
Felicia and Railey delve into the multifaceted world of birthday parties. They explore topics ranging from children's parties and evolving trends to personal preferences and financial aspects. They also discuss celebrating spouses' birthdays...
The Carline Report - 034 - Exploring the Dynamics of Birthday Celebrations