
OP/ED: Are You Ready to Rumble!!!?

By: Ruben Borjas, Jr., Columnist, Montgomery County News
| Published 06/26/2024


MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX -- This column may upset some. And quite frankly, I don’t care about Democrats feelings, but it needed to be written.

As this summer continues, I cannot help but get the feeling that chaos is on the way. There is so much madness out there that it’s hard to fathom what is capable of happening. It’s like December 7th is on the horizon (and I’m not inferring Japan), but we are still unsure of enemy intentions in where and when they will attack. Democrats have so weakened Our Nation's security that we face an unequaled threat from foreign agents inside our borders like never before. And those people do not want Donald Trump re-elected as President. President Biden and Democrats' weakness has been a goldmine for foreign players wishing to destroy America, and in seeing how the Democrats run their own cities and states into the ground, anyone with any common sense can see that it’s their goal for the United States.

We constantly hear of international threats from Russia and China from a military standpoint, but I’m arguing that the greater threat is from Chinese cyber and otherwise terrorists who have been allowed to cross the US border illegally, and are now awaiting orders to attack from inside rather than outside our borders. I’ve been keeping track of Russian and Chinese military capabilities as compared to the United States, quite frankly I don’t believe they can compete with the United States on weapons technologies. Their economies cannot support massive build-ups of weapons, supplies, and manpower to overcome us, and a reasonable alternative is sending in agents to disrupt and destroy our society via cyber attacks and cause economic distress to the point of collapse. And this summer, we will find out their exact intentions, starting with the Republican National Convention in a few weeks in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; then the Democrat National Convention in Chicago in later August.

In Russia, this past Sunday, Islamists attacked a Russian Orthodox church, a synagogue and a police station, in separate engagements, in their Dagestan Republic on the Caspian Sea, which borders Azerbaijan and Georgia. So far 20 people have died, most of them being police officers, with around 50 people being injured in the attacks. This attack may embolden hidden terror cells in Europe and The United States. It has too. Potential terrorists are up against a rock and a hard place when it comes to their craft. They have from now until January 20th to create as much havoc as they can. For at noon on that day, Trump is gonna unleash the power of his office on the border, illegal immigrants, and all these terrorists who have been allowed to come in without so much as their temperature being taken. A strong United States under Trump will give more confidence to the European and South American countries that are electing sensible leaders who are right of the political spectrum. Marine Le Pen’s National Rally right of center party is poised to gain power in France, and will join a growing list of countries who have taken more conservative views on the leadership, when it comes to immigration and national policy. In the recent European Parliament elections, leftist lost a good many seats and French President Emmanuel Macron is greatly concerned.

The Republican and Democrat Conventions this summer are going to be hotspots for unrest. It’s unclear if the GOP convention in Wisconsin will overshadow Chicago in the realm of chaos, but there will still be issues. Milwaukee’s population is tiny compared to Chicago’s, and there may not be as many opportunities as The Windy City is capable of producing. The Gaza Protesters definitely have more bones to pick with Democrats than with Republicans, and since Democrats mostly just let them do whatever they want. It will be interesting to see how long of a dog leash they are allowed by Chicago authorities, and just how much of it will wind up on national television as compared to the 1968 convention. Definitely more.

The burning question is. Will there be opportunities for terrorists to attack the conventions? Of course you can’t rule it out 100%. It’d be nice, but I’d at least hope that Homeland Security will be monitoring terrorists chatter to give any signs of such an attack. And the real wildcards will be lone terrorist cells who only communicate with their god and no one else. And those can be anywhere, and anyone. Lone wolves don’t need to go to conventions, but they choose any soft target that advertises a ‘Gun Free Zone,’ or signs such as ‘Firearms are Prohibited,’ like ‘The Woodlands Mall.’ Terrorists smile when they see those, because the law-abiding gun owners will have left their weapons in the car. And I was at the mall recently picking up a new iPad, and saw not one Security Guard, and I may or may not have left my gun in the car, mentally telling the guards they can ‘kiss my grits.’ I mean really, is your teens life that much more in danger if a law-abiding concealed carrier of a weapon is in that mall? I’d argue that if the worst was to happen, you’d want that person helping the guards subdue any terrorist attack.

Of course there are so many scenarios and each has a certain amount of possibilities for violence. And in Chicago, the protests will be labeled as ‘peaceful,’ no matter the number of cars or buildings burning in the background of a CNN report. It’s really about being as aware as you can possibly be about your surroundings. Many call it ‘situational awareness,’ which is why in public I always sit against a wall. And this is your opportunity to start educating your kids and grandkids on what to look out for in reference to being safe in public. I am not writing this to scare anyone, but to inform. This is just another form of stranger danger. And Gaza protesters and any form of terrorists … are definitely strangers.

Ruben can be reached at:

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