
Brad Bailey Announces for Relection

By: Sara Marie Kinney
| Published 07/22/2024


THE WOODLANDS, TX -- Today, along with two of his colleagues, Brad Bailey filed to run for re-election as a member of the Board of Directors for The Woodlands Township in the November election.

Brad Bailey is one of the most effective Township Directors The Woodlands has elected. In his first term he has worked hard with board members to achieve many successes for the residents.

Brad worked with local leaders to ensure the passage of HB 5311 by the Texas Legislature. This gives the Township access to our share of the collected Mixed Beverage Taxes that were previously being sent to the State capitol. It is projected that this will bring in over $1.5 million in new revenue to the Township.

He also spearheaded the effort to pass a 3% Homestead Exemption for all residential homeowners. This is the first time in the history of The Woodlands that homeowners have been given this type of tax break.

Brad and his colleagues increased public safety by adding 13 more officers patrolling our community. Additionally, they increased the hours of the Alpha-Omega Mounted Patrol in our high traffic commercial areas.

“It has been a great honor serving as Township Director,” said Brad. “I look forward to a second term and getting to accomplish even more for the residents.

Joining Brad in his re-election announcement were fellow Directors, Linda Nelson and Richard Franks. Additionally, Craig Eissler filed to run with the incumbents.

To learn more about Brad and his campaign please visit

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