
OPED: Is Joe Biden Really With Us? Or is there a real life 'Dave' in The White House

By: Ruben Borjas, Jr., Columnist, Montgomery County News
| Published 07/27/2024


MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX -- Rumors are spreading and although the mainstream media will do its best to say that Joe Biden hasn’t grown 6 inches since he contracted Covid recently, the person that was presented as Joe Biden on July 25th, in the President’s return to public life at The White House, suddenly looks much taller, and nimbler by the looks of it. That must have been one hell of a covid shot for Biden to grow half a foot in as many days.

All you have to do to verify the original Joe's height is to check the video and photos on the day that Biden was inaugurated in 2020. The top of Jill Biden’s head clearly went to the bottom of Joe’s nose. She is listed as 5’6”, while Joe is 6’. And you can see it on all the photos including the People magazine exclusive. And you would think that the First Lady would be wearing 2-3” heels at all occasions. Nothing would change over time.

Fast forward to Friday, when Joe was hauled out for the unveiling of the New Joe, in which 'Dave' (The New Joe), is now an extra six inches taller, with the top of Jill Biden’s head not even level with the New Joe’s chin. And Jill is wearing her standard high heels.

@MJTruthUltra’s X post, which has had nearly 3 million views, is missing. And Jill Biden would have had to come out in Platform Shoes to be raised to the bottom of Joe’s nose.

Something is clearly wrong at The White House, and for them to even think that people wouldn’t notice a taller Biden by 6” clearly towering over The First Lady, it again goes to show their contempt for the American people.

Either the real 6’ Joe is seriously ill, or dead, for The White House to stoop to this level. Because the 6’6” Joe is not cutting the mustard. And a video from just 2-3 days ago shows The New Joe’s jowls are more saggier than ever. I would not be surprised if there is a major announcement coming out of The White House soon. Are the days of 6’ Joe numbered? We’ll find out soon.

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