
OPED: Democrats Have No Policy Record to Run On in 2024

By: Ruben Borjas, Jr., Columnist, Montgomery County News
| Published 08/28/2024


MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX -- This column may upset some. And quite frankly, I don’t care about Democrats feelings, but it needed to be written.

Donald Trump’s name was mentioned almost 300 times during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago last week, and it appears he is the policy that Democrats are running on in 2024. Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech was light on policy and was all about vibes. And that’s all Democrats have, vibe. Emotion. And you can’t retain the same emotion or high all the time. It’s impossible. Who wouldn’t want endless ecstasy? But it’s not achievable. The day ends. You have to wake up the next day. Clean-up, fix that bedhead, shave or put on make-up, and get on with your life. The Democrats have no plan for the next day.

There were things that Harris said that gave away in her acceptance speech their intentions for the way they want to govern. Democrats want total power. They’d love to take every gun and cell phone that Americans have. That’s why they hate The Constitution so much. The powers invested by Our Founders, and their brilliance to check the intentions of each branch's power is a great idea. And for you college educated Democrats who think the branches of government are: The Presidency, The Senate, and The House of Representatives. Are you that stupid?. Of course, for the sane amongst us, who actually paid attention in government class in school, we know that the U.S. federal government is divided into three branches by The Constitution: the legislative, executive, and judicial. The only problem is that The Founders never envisioned a political party in the United States that would hate the country so much, and its Constitution, that they would want to destroy it. And when that political party dominates all three branches, you get insanity beyond control compared to the normality of just 20 years ago, when Democrats only partially hated the country.

When Kamala said that Trump wants to ‘jail journalists’ all we have to do is look at the UK, where anyone that posts on social media items that the government deems offensive to their strict regulations, some have been jailed for years. Talking about ‘1984,’ the UK is living it now, and given that Democrat judges have used foreign law in their rulings before, it would be a dream for them to achieve it. Harris can project Trump as being a dictator all she wants but the reality shows her to be a useless shrill as Biden’s Vice-President. She has a record of nothingness as VP, and it’s a glaring omission she refuses to acknowledge.

Elon Musk has done more to change the media landscape in the U.S. than anyone else. I likened his actions in purchasing X as equivalent to the implosion of the Soviet Union, when we later found out that the Communist Bear was made of hollow paper mache. Of course Trump played his part, being crucified by the media, only to rise again. There is no need to jail journalists, for the bad ones have already been fired or lost favor. Go Woke Go Broke Journalism really does work. They go broke. And more worthless America hating journalists are winding up on the scrap heap everyday. Personalities like Don Lemon, who once ruled the roost just a few short years ago, and now are forced to be on the street reactionaries expecting anyone with brown skin to be firmly in the Democrats column. And they are shocked when the exact opposite is true.

There has to be consequences for the Democrats treasonous actions during Trump’s Presidency. The people that betrayed him were political enemies to Trump. And Trump is right, in that freedom hating journalists are “the enemy of the people.” They are the fourth branch of the Democrats federal government, and it's another aspect that no one ever saw coming where the mainstream media would cover for a freedom hating Democrat party. And what are the consequences of that? Me. And tons of other Conservative influencers in the media, and all forms of Social Media, YouTube. Rumble, etc. The Right of Center influencers that draw viewers away from the mainstream, whom they turn off. People are tired of media outlets that take their viewers, readers, and listeners for idiots. To be a Democrat, you have to lie to yourself everyday, thinking you are on the right side of morality.

Every four years, Democrats return and fearmonger, that Republicans and Trump are gonna end Social Security and Medicare. It’s never happened. In fact, under Obama, I remember my Mother only got a few increases in her monthly check, while the exact opposite was true under Trump. Social Security is gonna need to be cleaned up, as are so many other programs that dole out money to people that shouldn’t be receiving money in the first place. Non-Americans receiving illegal monies need to be removed. So many people need to be deported, which will alleviate the housing crisis in many Democrat cities, especially those sanctuary cities. And sanctuary status needs to be tied-in with receiving Federal Funds. If your law enforcement agencies don’t cooperate with ICE in deporting illegals, then no federal funds. It’s that simple. In 2 CFR 180, a competent person in the new Trump Administration can be found to prove the Feds case and debar states for intentionally ignoring their obligations to protect their own citizens by reporting illegals to ICE for deportation.

It is obvious that Trump, during his Presidency, had The Nation on solid footing economically, and even The World responded, until Biden unwound all of that resulting in massive damage to the economy. Sleepy Joe’s killing of the Keystone XL pipeline, started this downward spiral. That coupled with the moral decay allowed by Democrats, with defund the police, and releasing every criminal arrested on their own personal recognizance, free to steal under $1000, and only be subject to a misdemeanor? Or Democrats letting the drugged out homeless defecate on the street, along with their open outdoor drug markets that Democrats excused as prim and proper. Then when stores that have been robbed blind suddenly close, which causes a chain reaction resulting in blocks and blocks of empty stores, then districts, then good portions of their downtowns, with building owners being forced raise rents on their apartment tenants, which in towns with limited job options are forcing even people who make $100,000 or more into tiny apartments, or finding accommodation out of the big city.

Everything that Democrats project on Trump is their own doing. High supermarket prices which can be solved if the government gets out of the way, would come down. How much has your grocery budget increased? Transport costs, and regulations, not to mention the purposeful destruction of many food production facilities and foreign investment in farmland that is not being farmed. Of course all those factors are gonna raise food prices. Harris’s plan to solve the grocery prices is to put federal controls on ‘price gouging,’ which completely ignores the underlying factors causing the problems.

Trump has so many winning issues. He virtually wins on every issue. He has too. If he loses. America loses. Israel dies. Hope is lost. Trump is life. Harris is death. Personally, I don’t think that Trump can lose. The signs are everywhere that Democrats are in decline. And it’s ever so true that the Dems have stolen their bed and slept in it, and now they have bed bugs.

Ruben can be reached at:

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