
Israel and 'The Winds of War': They're Fighting For Us

By: Ruben Borjas, Jr., Columnist, Montgomery County News
| Published 09/10/2024


MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX -- This column may upset some. And quite frankly, I don’t care about Democrats feelings, but it needed to be written.

Ever since October 7th, 2023, when Israel was brutally attacked by Hamas, I’ve made an effort to keep track of the goings on in the Middle East. I didn’t follow any large media outlets in reference to the war, well at first yes I did. It was a nightly report by some UK or Australian outfit. But the tone of the anchor was totally off-putting, at times critical of Israel for defending itself, making the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to be the bad guy, and I didn’t like it. Then the Gaza Protests in American colleges started, which set another harrowing milestone for Jews truly realizing where their colleagues, fellow students, or teachers stood. I’ve watched the YouTube channel ‘TBN Israel,’ where they reported the news of the day, done by Yair Pinto (an IDF reservist who fought in Gaza), to English speaking audiences around The World.

Things happen in our lives, especially when we are young, which we truly don’t understand. For me, and I didn’t realize this until just last month, when I had a period of great contemplation, that something happened just before my epiphany at 17 years old. Back in February 1983, the ABC Network ran a mini-series, ‘The Winds of War,’ about U.S. Naval Officer, Victor ‘Pug’ Henry. Henry, played by Robert Mitchum, seemed to be everywhere important in the months leading up to the German invasion of Poland in September 1939, all the way up to the Japanese Attack on the Pearl Harbor Naval Base. The television event astonished me. I was taken aback by the places that Pug Henry visited, and the locations of the important characters in the show, some of which I personally walked myself.

The World knows that Israel is fighting an unwavering radical islamic enemy, that is hellbent to kill everyone from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. And I thought for a bit. What if the United States was Israel? Would the chant be ‘From the Canadian Border to the Gulf of Mexico?’ Or maybe ‘From the Pacific to the Atlantic?’ Because there is no doubt that islamic extremists in the United States live here. Biden has imported over 10 million illegal aliens who have no interest in becoming American, nor are they gonna be proud of Our Country, or have reverence for Our Flag. The fabric of Our Nation is being striped away thread by thread, by Democrats of all colors, who simply want total power.

Israel has been in a struggle for their existence since the beginning of their nation 76 years ago, and even before that. All they want to do is Live in Peace, but with constant threats, by a select group of people who do not want to live peacefully, Israel has to live almost at a constant state of readiness. Israel was there first, long before an islamist.

In Our Country, we have a volunteer military service, and those who do not serve are still afforded the opportunities as anyone else as long as they apply themselves. But those who have served in Our Nation’s military have additional benefits not necessarily given to the population who didn’t serve. I didn’t join for the benefits. I joined the US Army because I wanted out of my little town, and to see some of the sites that I saw in ‘The Winds of War.’ That show must have subliminally implanted in me a sense of adventure I suppose, because six months later, I enlisted early in the U.S. Army. And some 40 years later, I’m suddenly finding this out.

The Winds of War was written by Herman Wouk. It was put on the little screen by American television powerhouse Dan Curtis, using Wouk’s teleplay. Wouk had been disappointed with the production of his previous written works, and took the extraordinary step of being heavily involved in the project, which is a true masterpiece. I was enamored with each and every episode, and still being in high school, loving anything history related has to be considered a win. ‘Winds’ was actually a historical drama, meaning that there were some fictional characters, like Victor Henry, his family, and colleagues, mixed in with real historical figures; like Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Benito Mussolini and Josef Stalin, etc.

There was one episode when Franklin Roosevelt, played by Ralph Belamy, says when speaking of Britain fighting Germany, after the invasion of France and the country surrendered:

“They’re fighting to save us, to save the Earth, and they’re fighting alone.”

And that statement in that episode, well, it really hit home. And it applies to Israel’s struggle today in its multi-front war against islamic extremism, with Iran at its head. Israel is really fighting to save us. They represent a tiny beacon of hope nearly surrounded by a select group of people that hate them to the bone. In many ways, Israel represents the Free World, all those who wish the country harm conveniently forget that just 80 years ago six million Jews were slaughtered based on the same hate.

The kicker is that Democrats have given Iran billions of dollars, and that has helped The Mullahs to have financed Hamas in Gaza, and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Tons of other cash has come in from around the world to fund the Jew Haters, and let’s not forget the United Nations and its willingness to clear from the river to the sea.

Can you imagine being a citizen in Israel? Where everyday your life could come crashing down. And it wouldn't be just you, but think about your family and friends. Where if you let your guard down for just one second, an attack could end your life. Even in America, being a Jew is now a big risk, especially in Democrat areas, where Jews are seen as the problem. That’s why this election in November is so important.

With Israel being so tiny, there is no place in the country that is truly safe from attack. Suicide drones can pick and chose where to land to do the most damage. Thankfully, the technology is there, and most attacks are thwarted, but still that is no guarantee that all attacks will be countered. I just want you to imagine the stressors that the average Israeli citizen is up against on a daily basis. Where you go with your life the best you can, and hope for the best. And with the announcement of six murdered hostages over the weekend, the reality of the dangers of being Israeli, or a Jew in general, just sunk in a bit further.

No one knows how the Israel-Hamas conflict will end. History knows. But she ain’t telling. Israel has to win. World peace depends on it. Israel defends itself with dignity. The IDF plays by the rules, while their islamic extremist enemy is lauded by Democrats, while denouncing Israel at every turn. So why do islamic extremists hate? I doubt they could even tell you with a straight face. And ‘just because’ seems like the most logical answer.

Ruben can be reached at:

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