
A Global Educational Campaign

By: Rodney Spencer
| Published 09/17/2024


HOUSTON, TX -- More than eight million volunteers will kick off a global campaign in September to offer a free interactive Bible educational course.

Volunteers worldwide present a free Bible-based life-improvement program

Jehovah’s Witnesses, well-known for their hallmark door-to-door ministry, also organize yearly special campaigns to raise awareness of Scriptural solutions that address the concerns of the public. Last year, the nonprofit organization reported averaging more than seven million Bible studies each month.

“Our campaigns are a recognizable feature of our community activities, which have resulted in many positive experiences,” said Gregory Palmer, local spokesperson for the nonprofit organization. “In an effort to bring helpful answers from the Bible to many in our community, we look forward to providing another wonderful opportunity to introduce a free Bible study course.”

The three-lesson brochure titled “Enjoy Life Forever!” is included in the campaign offer and covers these topics:
• How Can the Bible Help You?
• The Bible Gives Hope
• Can You Trust the Bible?

The course incorporates question-and-answer sessions and videos and explains how the Scriptures help improve a person’s life, such as by strengthening relationships within the family, at work, and at school. Weekly lessons can be as brief as five minutes and can be conducted at an individual’s preferred location in person or via videoconference or phone call.

“Participating in this Bible study course is open to all and non-binding. It does not obligate anyone to become one of Jehovah’s Witnesses,” says Palmer. “We are always happy to acquaint people in our community with the Bible in a way that is practical and beneficial to their lives. Our purpose is to help others appreciate the Bible as a rich source of wisdom and guidance.”

To request a visit from Jehovah’s Witnesses and a free interactive Bible course, please visit

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