
Education for Tomorrow Alliance Celebrates 35 of Connections

By: Monica Bomkamp Enia
| Published 09/19/2024


CONROE, TX -- During the 2024-25 school year, Education for Tomorrow Alliance (EfTA) is celebrating 35 years of service to Montgomery County. The organization is planning special activities throughout the year to celebrate.

This month, EfTA opened an application for teacher microgrants that support career, leadership, or STEM activities in the classroom. Grants will average $350 and will be awarded on a rolling basis during the school year. These teacher microgrants are available to educators in Montgomery County schools. More information is available on the Education for Tomorrow website at

In addition, Education for Tomorrow Alliance will be recognizing one exceptional volunteer each month. "Volunteers have been critical to the success of the organization since inception, and continue to expand students' perceptions of what is possible," sid Monica Bomkamp, president of EfTA. "We are exited to hnor their impact thoughout the year."

Finally, the organization will be hosting a 35th anniversary event in the spring. The event will celebrate the growth of Education for Tomorrow Alliance and highlight the individuals and organizations that have invested in students over the years.

Education for Tomorrow Alliance was created during the 1989-90 school year when a working group of HARC partnered with The Woodlands Area Chamber of Commerce. The group wanted to encourage the next generation of workers, especially in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. Those early volunteers started engaging in the area science fairs as judges and volunteers, as an organized way to support the schools. Education for Tomorrow Alliance eventually became a separate nonprofit with the focus of connecting business and community volunteeres to students as they plan for the future.

Today, EfTA reaches thousands of students annually through career, leadership, and STEM programming. SCI://TECH includes the science fair, as well as 12 additional STEM activities for K-12 students during several weekends each winter. Next Genereatin Leadership is a partnership with the Conroe/Lake Conroe Chamber of Commerce that offers a cohort of 12th grade students the chance to engage with community leaders while cultivating their own leadership skills. Career programming includes short-term internships through the Student Internship Program, and career panels through Future Focus and Career Connections sessions in schools, with additional career exploration opportunities throughout the year.

Education ofr Tomorrow is a non-profit organization dedicated to nnecting the business and education communities in Montgomery County, Texas. EfTA is the portal through which business leaders can access and strengthen local education. For details, please visit

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