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OP/ED - Was the Sacrifice Worth It?
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX -- I was thinking over the Thanksgiving holiday, what if Donald Trump had been allowed to win the 2020 Presidential Election? Would his Administration in that era have been as effective as it is anticipated to be in his 2025 second term? And the answer to that question is a resounding NO! It would have been a continuation of the media’s power trip over Trump, with continued betrayals by RINO Republicans who have more in common with Democrats than common sense GOPers who care deeply for American ideals and values. By Joe Biden winning with 15 million manufactured votes in 2020, the Democrats set the stage for their own destruction. They allowed themselves to be shown for who they really are, nothing but selfish, vile, petty people, who have to pay people for support, and that were never really invested in their game in the first place.
In 2021, when Biden took office, we had just come off, arguably the best economy we’ve ever experienced, pandemic aside. The Democrats and the leftist media were at their strongest points ever. I mean, if you can rig a presidential election against Trump’s track record, then you’ve accomplished something. They wanted to take their Socialism to new heights (communist like), and they did partially, even if it meant wrecking the lives of tens of millions of Americans, by destroying the rule of law, curbing free speech amongst Republicans, spreading the lack of policing, as well as the lack of prosecution of true criminals. They opened the borders allowing a cavern to become a festering mess from sea to shining sea. They allowed murders, rapists, gangsters, terrorists (cyber and otherwise) to enter and run rampant across the fruited plains. How many American women have been raped and killed by illegals who shouldn’t have been in the US in the first place? How many Americans have overdosed and died with Fentanyl poisoning? How many American ducks have been killed by illegals for a simple Wednesday night dinner? All Democrats have done in these past four years, was open a 3,000 mile wound across the country and let it become infected.
America went to college over the last four years. Eating canned beans and preparing the cheap noodles that struggling students endure in their college days. And in those four years, they started growing up. At first, still an all in Democrat, but by small measures, they noticed the little differences between what they were seeing in their own ‘boots on the ground’ conditions, versus what their professors (Dems and the mainstream media) were telling them. For instance, they are told that the economy is the best ever, while they are seeing shops close all around them. Or, it's becoming harder to find work, part or full-time. Or, they could have been the victim of crime for the first time. Whatever the case of their freshmen or sophomore years, they still believed in the cause, but are becoming more weary of the signs they see. By their junior year, it's really apparent, and they begin to change their internal ways of thinking to becoming more aligned with moderate thinkers, and see the early adopters voice their support for Trump, but still withhold their thoughts publicly. They quit following liberal media. It’s apparent that the mainstream media was never a voice of truth. When senior year hits, they’ve seen the destruction of the past three Democrat policy years. Blue downtown’s across the nation are on life support, with homelessness, crime, drug abuse runamuck. They’ve seen the destruction of businesses leaving or closing down due rampant organized retail theft, or unsafe street conditions for customers. They're tired of illegal immigrants getting the vast amount of resources over Veterans and legal American citizens. They’re tired of high food, rent, and energy costs. They’re now silent right of center thinkers and moving farther right fast. They then begin to fear for their own future. Fully supporting Trump jumps into mind. They see many more references to people who were former Democrats now virtue signaling their open support for Trump, while at the same time, they see that Democrat support has dwindled. As the election nears, they begin virtue signaling for Trump. Something has to change … for the better.
Trump’s new term as President, and Thank God for it, will be much more effective than his first. Gone are the GOP fakers like Mike Pence. And I wouldn’t want to be an ambassador, or general, military or civil bureaucrat, or anyone that betrayed Trump during his first term. Also, let’s not forget those prosecutors who abused the purposes of their offices in their attempts to crucify Trump. Those people are probably making plans to leave the country now.
We owe a debt of gratitude to Elon Musk, who has been a bull in the Democrats china shop, and without him, we might not be in the position in which we stand now. Musk is the von Blücher to Trump’s Wellington at Waterloo. He saved the day. And Musk is really about Common Sense. It’s that simple, well, you can throw in honesty too, fairness, true fairness, not the fairness that Democrats want. He wants everyone to have a chance at a successful life, and you see it with the competition in the cell phone race. The space race, the internet, and anything he touches in the business world turns gold. Elon’s about sharing the wealth with everyone working for themselves in a free market, not with governments’ method of picking winners and losers, based on their backs being rubbed. Yuck. Musk’s purchase of Twitter gutted the mainstream media, and its intestines have been falling out for two years, and now the end of a once powerful force seems really possible. Even local media sources like KHOU Channel 11 are dropping one of its early morning newscasts, of which its parent company TEGNA is centralizing its marketing team across the US, resulting in hundreds of layoffs. Comcast’s MSNBC is up for sale, and it is possible that Elon Musk could purchase the network, but it remains to be seen. But for certain, the high priced media personalities are gonna have to take a huge pay cut, or be fired, and they essentially, with their leftist echochamber stances, claim, ‘Trump is Hitler;’ and when their followers find out that Trump was never Hitler, the viewership plummets.
I see Donald Trump’s Presidential Election victory as equivalent to The Fall of the Berlin Wall, or even The Fall of the Soviet Union. It’s World Changing, and on so many levels. The economy will get better. Job opportunities will get better. The border will finally close its doors. Fentanyl prices will rise through the roof because fewer pills will be trafficked, and there will be fewer overdoses. We will start getting our immigration house in order. Deport the criminal illegal aliens. Deport anyone here illegally. End the special protections for illegals. We should get back to energy independence in a short time. And the list can go on and on.
You have people generally excited that something good is gonna happen next year. And it will. So was the sacrifice of Joe Biden being in office a good thing? No. But the sacrifice was worth it. It allowed a huge shift in the demographics of voting. Of Blacks coming back to the Republican Party, as well as Hispanics. Essentially any race is welcome in the GOP as long as you believe in the ideals and values that Made America Great, and it will be Great Again; starting at lunch time on January 20th.
Ruben can be reached at: ruben@montgomerycountynews.net