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A Message from Sheriff Wesley Doolittle

MONTOGMERY COUNTY, TX -- Please join us as we welcome Wesley Doolittle, our newly sworn-in Montgomery County Sheriff! Please take a moment to read his message, which is attached.
Dear Residents of Montgomery County,
It is with great honor and humility that I introduce myself as your newly elected Sheriff of Montgomery County. As I reflect on being officially sworn into the office, I want to express my deep commitment to serving and protecting our community. Montgomery County is a vibrant and diverse area, and my top priority will always be the safety and well-being of every resident.
With our population surpassing 700,000, Montgomery County is one of the fastest-growing areas in Texas, and with growth comes unique challenges and opportunities. As your Sheriff, my mission is clear: to prevent crime, reduce fear, and enhance the quality of life for all who visit, worship, work, and raise their families here. This will be accomplished through a focused effort on increasing the efficiency of our office, leveraging modern technology, prioritizing law and order, and fostering strong partnerships with area law enforcement and community stakeholders.
I believe that the strength of any law enforcement agency lies in the character and dedication of its members. I am committed to instilling the principles of servant leadership throughout the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office. This means every deputy, supervisor, and staff member will be encouraged and expected to be a S.T.A.R., someone who embraces our core values of Service, Teamwork, Accountability, and Respect.
We will work tirelessly to ensure that Montgomery County remains one of the safest communities in Texas. My administration will prioritize professional development and leadership training for our deputies and supervisors, enhancing their ability to respond effectively to the needs of our community. We are committed to creating and building upon specialized units and divisions to focus on crime issues that are disproportionally affecting Montgomery County. We are dedicated to increasing the visibility, presence, and accessibility of our deputies by improving patrol procedures and creating meaningful partnerships with homeowners’ associations, utility districts, county partners, school districts, and all community stakeholders. Additionally, we will focus on safety and rehabilitation efforts within our county jail, recognizing that true public safety includes reducing recidivism and helping those who have made mistakes and are willing to do the work, to get back on the right path.
As we move forward together, I pledge to keep the lines of communication open and transparent. Your input and involvement are essential to our success. I am excited about the future and confident that, with your support, we can achieve great things for Montgomery County.
Thank you for entrusting me with this important responsibility. Together, we will build a safer, stronger, and more united community.
With great honor and gratitude,
Wesley Doolittle