
Margaritaville's Headliners Comedy Series: Laugh On My Friends, Laugh On

By: Ruben Borjas, Jr., Columnist, Montgomery County News
| Published 02/24/2025

Comedian Billy D Washington

MONTGOMERY, TX -- Margaritaville Lake Conroe is really upping its game in 2025. And now to go along with new menu items and tons more Margarita choices recently announced, they brought back comedy with their new ‘Headliner Comedy Series.’ I had the chance to take in a show over the weekend, and despite the dark, rainy and cold weather outside; it was a bright, 80 degree ‘5 o'clock Somewhere’ Saturday at the Lake Conroe Boathouse Bar & Lounge. The establishment is located in the Margaritaville Convention Center. Comedian and Host, Billy D. Washington, welcomed another sellout crowd announcing that the comedy series, originally scheduled to run until March 22nd; is in the works to be inked for a near two month extension. And rightly so, when a great time is being had by all, why spoil the party? Billy D. has a great comedic heart, and doesn’t go by the rules set by network late show comedians, whose satire is no longer funny. Washington has a true fondness for the audience, getting to know them before and during the show, for laugh-points later on down the road.

Yes, with Billy D., race and religion are on the table, but he sets ground rules, and urges those in attendance, that it is all done in fun; which it is. And if someone becomes offended please don’t storm off, instead Washington begs any audience member to wait so he is able to listen and make necessary adjustments for future shows. It’s all about improving the product, which is laughter; and comedy is the business. Customer feedback is so much appreciated, and Billy D’s talent is to take what could offend audience members and make it funny, and remember; there’s always a touch of truth in all good humor. But even Washington can’t help you if you're from Minnesota, or your last name is Lincolnfelter. He’s been at the game for over 30 years, and Billy D’s quickness of thought, and goodness of memory has him checking on various audience members he’s chatted with throughout the show with his trademark, ‘You Good?’ He does an excellent impression of Mitch McConnell seemingly running out of batteries, and freezing. And as an Op-Ed political columnist, and a certified loather of rino’s, I was grinning from ear to ear while quickly scribbling notes on my reMarkable tablet.

Another great thing I heard about the show was Billy D’s commitment to draw on the deepest talent pool that is available. It’s Washington’s way of saying, he’s not going to be short changing the audience, but instead providing the best entertainment possible. Billy D. has a comic bull-pen with a lot of reach, unlike the Dems lack of presidential capable talent. Gavin Newsom seems to be the only one capable, and that’s only because he looks pretty good with his gelled out hair combed back. Jaime D., or Deutsch, (who is drop-dead gorgeous, and made me spill my drink on myself), is a former cruise director as well as head of recreation for Margaritaville Lake Conroe in its early years. She has again teamed with Billy D. and M-ville LC to bring about the laughing festival. Anything behind the scenes is her doing, and she is a very effective leader.

Washington has had an amazing career, and is an award winner at his craft. He opened for Aretha Franklin for three years, and never got her chicken and waffles recipe. Billy D. has appeared on numerous HBO and Comedy Central specials, plus he has many other credits to his name.

BD invited Houston area comic Nathaniel Amador to feature in Saturday night’s show. Amador had spent some time in California recently working, and was particularly impressed with the firm ‘handshakes’ he got from the women with Adam’s Apples. Nat noted about flags on California beaches, which should be avoided seeing as they are more than likely planted evacuations of fecal material, from some of California’s finest citizenry no less. And there was no mention of post episode hygiene, you know, the washing of hands, nor the wiping of a certain sand encrusted orifice. So if you or anyone you know gets serious with a Cali woman, you might wanna send her to finishing school to make a proper lady of her; with like being able to maintain proper body hygiene. I even got a lesson in pronouns, who knew that obese trans whoopie body types labeled themselves as ‘hershes’ for their love of the chocolate bar. Amador is married to a Guatemalan woman, and has decided to raise their kids the Central American way. Only one kid is gonna get their teeth fixed, and they will go for their doctorate, while the other niños will have to settle for Commercial Driver's Licenses. Nat will have you rolling in the aisles, and will tell you things that will make your Mama blush, but it’s all done in fun of course, plus you’ll learn where not to walk on the beaches in California.

The headliner was Andy Huggins, another Houston area comic, who had a stand out appearance on America’s Got Talent in 2018. In fact, Howie Mandell recognized them from their days at the ‘The Comedy Store’ in Los Angeles. Mandell, aged 69, looks like a teenager compared to the 72, or 73 year old Andy, who it still has not been proven that he could be on a certain agencies list receiving Social Security checks as a 140 year old. Of course I jest, Andy doesn’t look any elder than the oldest guy at my weekly Veterans breakfast. He’s 106. Huggins noted, the only dating he’s capable of is the carbon thing, and due to Andy’s style. like Rodney Dangerfield’s self-deprecating humor., his delivery is perfect. Anything related to senior citizens is on the chopping block for Huggins, from his hearing to his naps to his social media (Kroger’s my chart) to his gaming life, checkers. Andy is a brilliantly-aged comedian. Incredibly, I have more senior moments than Huggins does. He’s been in the business so long that he’s capable of telling jokes for hours, but can only stand upright for forty-five minutes.

Billy D. and his crew are really down to Earth, and for those amongst us who are capable of detecting sincerity, its authenticity is a reassuring value. It takes a special kind of person to make a living telling jokes, and it can have its challenges, mainly a patrons' willingness to purchase the experience depending on the times. I enjoyed speaking with the comedians after the show. One lady, who wanted to talk to Andy, thought I was Huggins' proctologist. I gave her my card, and told her to call for an appointment on Monday; her husband got a good laugh. Thankfully he was the designated driver, and we need more of them. I know the Assistant District Attorney, and Chief of Vehicular Crimes, Taylor Vanegas; and his office plays no games. In fact, one sheriff's deputy is on pace to nab 500 alcohol impaired drivers, and I’m not sure he’s even started shaving yet. So if you plan on partaking in alcohol at a comedy show, please be sure and tip Mary the bartender very well. And if you don’t have a DD; bitte, I beg of you, just take 200 stumbled steps over to the resort and get a room for the night. It’s much cheaper than spending the night with Montgomery County’s finest, and the good thing with the room; you get a late check-out time of 1pm.

For tickets and reservations:

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