
Volunteers for Woodlands Water Arts Festival can receive loads of perks

By: Woodlands Online Staff
| Published 02/28/2025


THE WOODLANDS, TX – Celebrating 20 years of expanding the arts horizons of the Township, The Woodlands Arts Council is once again putting out a call for volunteers to assist in the giant and glamorous annual Woodlands Waterway Arts Festival, coming April 11 - 13.

The festival’s success depends on the hard work of volunteers to help the council fulfill its mission of spreading art appreciation – and scholarships – in the local arts world. Proceeds form the festival directly impact local Title 1 schools in Montgomery County, area arts organizations, artists, and students. More than $1.4M has been raised in funding for art in our community.

“Volunteers are an essential part of our team. They help with various tasks such as greeting attendees, scanning tickets, selling beverages, supporting artists, and more. There's a place for everyone to make an impact,” said Jenny Carattini-Wright, executive director of Woodlands Arts Council. “By volunteering, you are making art matter. It takes a team of almost 600 each year, and we are so grateful to have your participation.”

Volunteers can enjoy multiple perks for their hard work at the festival, including\n

  • Exclusive volunteer t-shirt
  • Commemorative volunteer pin
  • Snacks and water provided during your shift
  • Free admission to The Woodlands Waterway Arts Festival before or after your shift

Volunteers who sign up for two or more shifts receive an additional daily admission ticket to bring a friend or family member to enjoy the event. Show your volunteer pin at the Market at the festival to receive a 10% discount on your purchase.

All volunteers are asked to attend a Volunteer Orientation, available both in-person and online; first-time volunteers are expected to attend an in-person orientation.

Interested parties can select one or more categories of job description when registering to volunteer, which can be done at

Volunteer jobs and descriptions include:

  • Artist Check-in
  • Artist Relations
  • Artist Relations Tent
  • Artist Relations/Patron Art Pick-up
  • Artist Breakfast
  • ARTopoly Volunteers
  • Beverage Servers
  • Early Inspiration Gallery
  • Festival Market
  • Flex Team
  • Gates - Greeters & Scanners
  • Load-Out – Rovers
  • Palette Cafe Stage - Assistant
  • Terrace Hospitality Lounge
  • Town Center Parking Garage Attendant
  • Volunteer Check-In

The Woodlands Arts Council's mission is to provide access to a broad array of arts experiences and support arts education in The Woodlands and Montgomery County. Their events have allowed them to give away an excess of $1.4 million dollars since their founding in 2005.

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