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2023-24 Upper Deck Credentials Hockey Hobby Box
2023-24 Upper Deck Credentials NHL Hockey Cards Box Break:
- 1 Base Parallel
- 8 Who’s Best?, Who’s Next? and/or Highly Anticipated Cards
- 4 Debut Ticket Access Cards
- 4 Acetate Ticket Access, Acetate Debut Ticket Access, 1997 Season Ticket Retro Acetate and/or 1997 Season Ticket Retro Acetate Rookie Cards
- 2 Speed of the Game Cards
2023-24 Upper Deck Credentials NHL Hockey Cards PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS:
- The latest edition of Upper Deck Credentials sports a 200-Card Base Set which includes a 100-Card, serial #’d, Debut Ticket Access rookie subset broken down into four tiers of rarity.
- The parallel lineup is deep and colorful! There are 9 parallels of the complete Base Set to collect, highlighted by Green (#’d to 25), Purple (#’d to 10 and HOBBY EXCLUSIVE), Gold (#’d to 5) and Black (#’d 1-of-1) Parallels!
- There is also a horizontal variant of the complete Debut Ticket Access rookie subset which features the same serial #’d tiers as well as the same colorful parallel lineup!
- HARD SIGNED AUTOGRAPHS! - Traditionally, Credentials has offered a bevy of #’d and HARD-SIGNED star veteran and rookie chase cards and the 2023-24 release continues that tradition featuring this season's stellar Rookie Class. Below is a rundown of the available HARD-SIGNED insert sets. Each set has the same 7 parallels (only the #’ing varies from set-to-set), and that lineup includes a HOBBY-EXCLUSIVE Purple Parallel and a 1-of-1 Black Parallel.
- Debut Ticket Access Autographs: This popular 50-Card Set features the top 2023-24 rookies. The regular set is split into three tiers (#’d to 299, 199 and 99) and the Purple Parallel is #’d to 10.
- Horizontal Debut Ticket Access Autographs: The horizontal variant of the regular Debut Ticket Access Autographs set includes only the top 25 rookies. Each card in the regular set is #’d to 99 or 35, and the Purple Parallels are #’d to 3 or 2!
- Ticket Access Autographs: This is the star veteran counterpart of the Debut Ticket Access Autographs set. The cards in the regular set are #’d to 99, 49 or 25, and the Purple Parallel cards are #’d to 2!
- Retro Ticket Access Autographs: This limited-subject set sports a retro ticket-inspired design of five superstar players. The cards are #’d to 25, and the Purple Parallels are #’d to 2!
- Acetate Debut Ticket Access Autographs and Acetate Ticket Access Autographs: These stunning veteran and rookie cards are all #'d to 99 or less, built on the always-popular acetate stock and will be valuable additions to any collection.
- NEW! 1997 Season Ticket Retro Acetate Autographs & 1997 Season Ticket Retro Acetate Rookie Autographs: We’re bringing back a classic, which is making its hockey debut! Both the veteran and rookie cards are #’d to just 25.
- NEWINSERTS ! Be the first to collect the ALL-NEW Who’s Best? and Who’s Next? insert sets, each consisting of three subsets: Forwards, Defenseman and Goalies!
- The Who’s Best? set features the best players at those positions while the Who’s Next? set features the top up-and-comers at those positions. Keep an eye out for Auto parallels!
- Main Stage Signatures is a veteran-only autograph set with a two-tiered Gold parallel (#’d to 25 and 10) and a 1-of-1 Black parallel.
- Speed of the Game is a stunning Light FX insert showcasing some of the fastest players (veterans and rookies) in the league today.
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