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- Miscellaneous Items
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- Yard, Garden & Workshop
Rose Hips for Teas and Extracts
Do you love the soothing cup of rose hip tea you savor at Blissful Waters Float Center? Now, you can bring that tranquility home with our premium rose hips.
Rose hips are known to be:
Rich in Vitamin C: Boost your immune system with one of nature’s highest sources of vitamin C, perfect for maintaining health and vitality.
Powerful Antioxidants: Packed with antioxidants, rose hips help fight off free radicals and keep your body functioning at its best.
Warning: Brewing Rose Hip Tea at home may lead to unexpected moments of tranquility and wellness. These potent little berries are rich in Vitamin C, helping to supercharge your immune system, and packed with antioxidants to keep your body operating at its best.
Side Effects: Sense of Calm, Invincible Immune System, Increased Energy, & Improved Immune System.
How to Use:
• Brew a soothing tea by simmering a few rose hips in a crockpot to unlock their full potential.
• Create a homemade tincture to easily incorporate their benefits into your daily routine.
Take home the same Bliss you enjoy in our Post Float Lounge with our premium rose hips. Wellness never tasted so good.
For any questions or guidance on how to maximize the benefits of rose hips, feel free to reach out to us via email—we're here to help.
Rediscover the joy of wellness with every sip. Order your rose hips today and experience the natural goodness at your fingertips.
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