
Important Notice for Residents: Register for Vegetative (Tree) Debris Removal

By: Mark Keough County Judge
| Published 07/10/2024


THE WOODLANDS, TX -- This is for all areas of the county except within the City of Conroe. Conroe residents will receive debris pickup by the city. Check with Conroe officials for details specific to Conroe. All other county residents please register online today!

We are only picking up vegetative debris and the process will take several weeks so please be patient.

If you have tree debris that needs to be removed, it's crucial to pre-register for pickup! We don’t have the start dates for collection yet, but we need everyone to sign up in advance.

Here’s what you need to know: Debris Placement: Place all debris in the County/City right-of-way. Debris will NOT be collected from private property.

Register Here:
Act now to ensure your debris is collected promptly.

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