
Payton Riley: Singer, Songwriter, Educator?

By: Ruben Borjas, Jr., Columnist, Montgomery County News
| Published 07/26/2024


MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX -- Montgomery County’s own Payton Riley continues to be very busy as of late. The singer/songwriter is always working her bid to make her music a life’s work. She continues to impress fans across the nation with her American Idol appearance, and with new nominations to coveted awards from Texas to Nashville. From doing local and statewide shows, to even doing a show in Colorado earlier this month, Riley is a fireball with a great attitude, always willing to meet with fans, and work with charities for the betterment of children. And now she is set to be a mentor at a young songwriters retreat in the fall.

Riley has been nominated for a Josie Music Award, for ‘Artist of the Year - Young Adult - Female.’ The JMA’s will take place on October 27th at the Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville, and is a coveted honor for independent music producers across the country. Payton has again been named as a finalist for the 2024 Texas Country Music Association's ‘Young Artist of the Year’ award to be held at Billy Bob's Texas in Fort Worth this November. It goes to show that all the hard work that Riley puts in, it’s a testament to her success, that it is being recognized, and should be rightly rewarded.

Payton will be a host/mentor at the ‘Young Artist Songwriter Ranch Retreat,’ geared towards young artists 12-18, this October 11th -13th, in Centerville, north of Conroe. Renowned Singer/Songwriter Scott Sean White, is teaming up with Ryder Grimes, Hadlie Jo, and Payton, to help young artists write songs and learn about the ins and outs of the music industry as a whole. The three day camp only cost $150 per participant, and is priced to make it accessible to families whose budgets may be stretched a bit in the current economy. The opportunity also gives the artists a great lesson to learn from proven players in the game like Riley and her fellow mentors.

Retreat participants will be able to collaborate on two songs with assistance from the mentors. The young artists will also be instructed in topics such as branding, social media, songwriter legal matters, monetization, recording & release schedules, playlist pitching, music tastemakers, creating promotional materials to obtain bookings. All things to know about the business, to make sure it is a journey they wish to pursue.

“We anticipate young songwriters just starting out,” said Riley. “And I look forward to helping them find their way.”

Payton told MCN that her experience at songwriting retreats in Nashville and Memphis was costly, but she learned many techniques in order to write a better ballad. Retreat organizers are seeking donations for food, snacks, as well as monetary, to help to cover the cost of music professionals traveling in from out of state, in order to keep the cost as low to participants as possible.

“This retreat presents a valuable opportunity for young artists to enhance their skills and understanding of the music industry,” said Payton. “It will help them to stand out in a competitive field.”

Riley’s own start in the music industry was a challenge for her and her mother, so by being part of an idea to help young artists to discover their brand, while growing their social media presence, recording and releasing songs, marketing their music, and getting booked in venues, is quite satisfying. Several participants from the songwriting retreat will be asked to share their talent at a Love Heals Youth event at The Table at Madeley in November.

Riley recorded two new tracks in June at Steel Recording Studios in Grand Cane, Louisiana, one being ‘Weather Boy;’ the other. ‘Limited Edition,’ which will impart a new sound she hopes will excite her fans in the coming months. On the movie front, Payton is still on track to act in the Bob Gunner film, ‘An Almost Perfect Day,’ with shooting projected to start in January 2025. Payton will play Deana, a lead character, Deana, with Kasey Lansdale,playing the part of her mother in the film.

“I’m starting to learn the script,” said Riley about the movie role. “I have a lot of lines to memorize, and I already have others coming in to read the lines of other characters.”

Payton will be starting homeschool this year, to allow her more flexibility with preparing her additional projects. And despite learning at home, she will be joining a local track team participating in hurdles, which is her favorite sport. Riley is improving in her driving ability as well, meaning, she hasn’t knocked down any more gates while sitting behind the wheel. In fact, Payton posted a July 15th video on her Facebook page ‘Payton Riley Music,’ on the incident. Once she turns 16 in a few months, she will be taking over her father’s truck, which will make her safe. But as far as Montgomery County is concerned, that is still to be determined; but there is no doubt she will be a safe driver.

Riley is a relentless self-promoter and is really excited for 2025, which she hopes to be break-out year.

“2025 for me, is gonna be a new year, new me, and new music,” said Riley. “I’m super excited for my fans to hear it. It’s gonna be fun.”

Voting link for Texas Young Artist Award:

For Payton’s show information or tickets on her local events, go to:, or

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