
Carl’s Quality Cooling and Heating will once again provide a complete HVAC system for a lucky family

By: Sean K. Thompson
| Published 12/13/2024


THE WOODLANDS, TX – Since 2016, Carl Schweikhardt – the founder and owner of Carl’s Quality Cooling and Heating, LLC – has provided twelve families with a complete and installed heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system free of charge in the spirit of the holidays. For the ninth time, he has announced that nominations are open for members of the community to name a worthy family for this year’s Carl’s HVAC System Giveaway event.

Nominate a worthy recipient by Dec. 15

“During the Christmas time of year, it brings us to fresh thinking of how blessed we are in so many ways, and we want to bless others that need it,” he said.

Taylor Caldwell is general manager of Carl’s, and personally and professionally enjoys bringing warmth – literally and figuratively – into yet another family’s collective life. “This isn’t some promotional thing; we’ve never collected anyone’s contact info or put them in a newsletter in regards to this annual tradition,” he told Woodlands Online. “We do this to support the community, not to take anything.”

Though Schweikhardt is reticent to say exactly how much money he’s spent on his annual gift, sometimes he adds a second family to the winning nominations ‘just because.’ These people receive a fully operational system to heat and cool their houses, professionally installed by his crack teams.

If you know a friend, family member, or anyone local to The Woodlands or Conroe area who is in need of a new heating and cooling system and may be experiencing financial hardship, please nominate them. Nominations are accepted until December 15; Carl’s team will review all nominations after this date, and a deserving recipient will be selected by December 23. The nomination link can be found on the company’s website at Any family or individual will be considered that has a true need for a new HVAC system.

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