
Governor Rick Perry Endorses Brandon Steinmann for Montgomery County Clerk

By: Brandon Steinmann Campaign
| Published 02/02/2022


THE WOODLANDS, TX -- Today, former Governor Rick Perry endorsed conservative Republican Brandon Steinmann for Montgomery County Clerk.

“As governor, Rick Perry was an amazing conservative leader who transformed Texas into the #1 place to live, work, and relocate your business,' said Steinmann. 'It was an honor to work for him for seven years, and it is an even bigger honor that he thought enough of my work ethic and conservative bonafides to endorse me in this race.'

In making his endorsement, Perry said: 'Brandon is a proven conservative and has been a hard-working public servant his entire life. Brandon led my efforts to protect Texas from burdensome federal regulatory attacks on our energy sector and increased taxation on our State’s citizens in Washington D.C. and worked tirelessly with our state and local officials during the devastation of Hurricanes Rita and Ike. I know that Brandon’s passion for service, his extensive work experience, and conservative Christian values will make him a great County Clerk for Montgomery County. He has my endorsement and my highest recommendation to the voters of Montgomery County.”

Steinmann, who has built his career in public service and fighting for our hard-working taxpayers, is also endorsed by Texas Right to Life, the Republican Voters of Texas, Texas Values, and recommended by the Montgomery County Tea Party.
A sixth generation Texan and native of Conroe, Steinmann is running in the March 1st Republican Primary to replace the retiring incumbent. He has spent the past 27 years as a public servant fighting the government bureaucracy and protecting our conservative values. Brandon and his wife Jessica, who is an alum of the Trump Administration’s Justice Department and current General Counsel for the America First Policy Institute, reside in The Woodlands and attend Woodlands Church.

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