
Op-Ed: Beware of the Boy (and Slate) That Constantly Cries Incorporation

By: Elizabeth RIckard
| Published 10/31/2024


THE WOODLANDS, TX -- Here we go again. “Beware Incorporation!” or at least those who might be associated with that group!

How many more elections will we have to hear this fear-mongering cry from those who feel threatened by any new challenger to a seat on our Township Board? Heaven forbid someone else attempt to run for office who has no connection to anything or anyone political. That, my friends, is control. Control by the spreading of a belief that you have no business challenging someone who you think is doing a good job.

I am a wife, mother of four, and a newly elected Precinct Chair to the Republican Party who has had just about enough of this Incorporation cry. There are so many more important issues that need to be addressed rather than harping on someone new to our area who has fallen in love with our hometown. I have lived in The Woodlands for the past 24 years, so it’s not hard to understand how or why someone would want to get involved and take a chance on our Township Board to make a change.

It shocks me that former Chairman of the Township Board, Bruce Tough has taken it upon himself to dismiss a new candidate and publish not just one but at least TWO op-eds based on the fact that one of his choice picks for Township has been challenged.

He speaks of position 3 incumbent’s public service experience and even states that he is a true conservative which is easy to assume when you know he is a veteran. I had to pause and wonder why Mr. Frank's volunteers were heard pushing the “progressive slate” for CISD while wearing his campaign shirt. This same blue and green slate some of his volunteers' support, sent a text claiming that the conservative slate was made up of “right-wing radicals”. Was Mr. Tough’s incumbent not aware that at least two of those candidates donated to Beto O’Rourke and one even went so far as to donate $1,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee? Maybe he needs to talk to his volunteers.

Mr. Tough also speaks of his incumbent’s success in increasing public communication about Township news. I can only assume that he is referencing Page 6 of Community Impact which lists events. That’s right, folks, events going on in The Woodlands. As a tax-paying resident, I was hoping that perhaps The Township would somehow figure out a way to better communicate things that might impact our taxes. How about proposals for road widenings, proposals for prime real estate like the GE Betz property, or the need to perhaps tighten our purse strings for a bit while most of our community and families fight through crippling inflation costs thereby showing solidarity? Fiscal responsibility is always appreciated during these hard times. That’s the kind of news most of us have been begging for!

Instead, we have to hear about agenda items of concern from the one Director who always seems to have our best interests in mind: She Who Should Not be Named. Why? Because the minute you say her name you are scarlet-letter shamed and lumped into what Mr. Tough has now called “The Incorporation Squad.” Control by a negative grouping. Yes, I am speaking of Dr. Shelley Sekula-Gibbs, a true resident advocate.

I cannot speak for the Tea Party, or any other organization or individual that has shown their support for Mr. Misut over the Township Board incumbent but as a voter and having used their voter guides in the past, the recommendation of Elvin Misut for Position 3 against Mr. Franks speaks loud and clear that they might not be happy with at least one of the current Township Directors’ two-year term and these organizations are not afraid to give the new guy a chance.

That is the beauty of this country! Fight for what you want and what you would like to see in your community! Don’t be bullied. If you think you can do it better, then prove it. Put your money where your mouth is and show us. Earn that seat and don’t ride on coattails. The worst that can happen is that you lose but at least you tried.
It’s a free country. It’s great to see that individuals who love our community so much would like to give back by stepping up….no matter how long they’ve lived here. Fight, fight, fight!

Thanks for reading a resident’s opinion.

Elizabeth Rickard
Wife, Mother of 4, and Republican Precinct 58 Chair

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